Many people know I am a firm believer in the paranormal. This picture was taken at a fishing hole in the state park area of Hernando County, Florida. The picture has not been doctored in any way and the only people who were in this section were my partner and myself plus one of our dogs. At first I thought that this was a case of pareidolia. However, I joked when we got to the location I am going to fall over the embankment as there is nothing there to stop me. I did look up the history of this area and it consist of settlers, indians and dare I may say even rumored witchcraft.
Is this pareidolia? If you do not know what pareidolia is it is the scientific explanation for some people for the ability to see shapes or to make pictures out of randomness? Here is the picture close up.
Again I am not saying it's a ghost. But knowing the history of the area it is a interesting shot. What do you think?
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