Taking a New Path!

Have you ever felt like you are trapped in a box and realized that you want to do more than what you are currently doing? Now, do not get me wrong, I absolutely love what I do as a career! However, I feel like I am being pulled in a new direction. When my kids were younger, I would make additional money writing and running my original blog. Then life happened and I had to start over with everything. My life is different now, and I do want to proceed with this path to succeed. 

I am doing everything I can to get out there to have more people reading my books, stories, and social media. Currently, I am doing everything in my power to get views and have my writing, pictures and, videos more relevant.

Am I the only one who feels like they are being pulled in a direction you would never think of or is it just me? Just food for thought there.

Take care and blessings for you!

